We enjoy answering questions about what we do. In our business, there is a lot to know.
We don’t claim to know it all, but one thing we do know is that sharing our knowledge helps us and our clients work smarter. Throughout our history, TEK Productions has been involved in educating industry professionals on the technical side of live-event and media production.
TEK Tips is a resource for the event community. This resource is mostly limited to terms and guidelines for use in the media production and live-event environment.
Education & Resources for the Production Community
Labor Rates
A monetary amount paid for each hour of labor.
The term day rate is used to describe the hourly rate times the minimum base hours (usually eight or ten). Most companies charge either a day rate or an hourly rate with a minimum number of hours. The base day rate is called straight time. Overtime occurs when the straight time is exceeded. The types of overtime rates include:
- “Time and a half” – rate paid at 1.5x the base or straight time rate
- Double time – 2x the straight time rate
Overtime rates may apply on holidays, weekends or after certain times of day, such as midnight. In addition to overtime, “turnaround” penalties may occur if the technician or crew member gets less than a designated amount of time off between call times.
A production company should advise you when these rates apply or if the RFP has accounted for any overtime needed in support of your meeting or event. Some companies may show a day rate on proposals without taking into account the time required by your schedule. Being charged actual rates after the meeting or event can really impact your budget. Cha-Ching!!!