We enjoy answering questions about what we do. In our business, there is a lot to know.
We don’t claim to know it all, but one thing we do know is that sharing our knowledge helps us and our clients work smarter. Throughout our history, TEK Productions has been involved in educating industry professionals on the technical side of live-event and media production.
TEK Tips is a resource for the event community. This resource is mostly limited to terms and guidelines for use in the media production and live-event environment.
Education & Resources for the Production Community
Green Room
A holding area or lounge for the use of presenters or entertainers while not onstage.
The green room is a room in close proximity to the meeting room or show venue. A temporary green room can also be created with pipe and drape backstage.
It has been called the "green room" since the early 1700s, with a lot of speculation as to where the name originated. One theory is that the "green" referred to a baize fabric, similar to the felt-like fabric on a pool table, that was used to cover the stage. Another theory is that the stage itself was referred to as "the green" from the English Cockney slang term, greengage. Yet another theory comes from Shakespearean theatre - the actors would warm up in a room filled with plants and shrubs. The moisture benefited their voices.